Sharing our journey

Ananda Monet and Keli Woods - sharing our journey

We are incredibly excited to have partnered up on this new project we're calling 'Sound Spa'.

With mental health problems and feelings of isolation on the rise, social unrest, political uncertainty and a lack of spiritual education to see us through dark times, we have decided to BE the change we want to see in the world!

Our hope is to create and share our journey of relaxation, wellbeing and inner peace through immersive multisensory experiences, featuring the soothing power of sound and sacred mantras.

The first two events we held at OmNom have been fully sold out and we are looking at the third sell out on April 16th. We have received some beautiful, heart-warming feedback from our guests so far and are inspired to deliver more sessions in different spaces around London and beyond. Keep an eye on our events and we hope to meet you soon at one of them!

Sound Spa is an offering straight from our hearts to yours. We don’t have a brand, or funding, or a big following, yet, but we do have a very clear intention to bring some love and light into the world, and it is so fulfilling to be working on this together.

We ask for your blessings as we begin this journey to healing the mind and body with sacred sound in these troubled times🪷

With love,

Ananda and Keli


The Power of Presence: Finding Our Roots